Casio wrist cam WQV-2 protocol

Kees Jongenburger

$Id: protocol.html,v 1.2 2003/06/01 21:54:27 keesj Exp $

General packet information

All packet start with C0 and end with C1. The watch is quit passive and only answers to request. The only exception seems to be that the packet that acknoleges a new created session is sent 3 time.

The second byte of a packet is the session id. When the session is not yet started the session id is FF

The two last bytes of a packet(before C1) are a checksum. The checksum is calculated by adding all values of the packet (starting with the session id) to each other string the value in a "2 byte value".

int checksum =0;
for all bytes to send {
	checksum += bytevalue;
checksum = checksum % 0x1000;
checksum1 = (checksum / 0x100);
checksum2 = (checksum % 0x100);

first packet

The communication is started by sending a packet containing B3
init packet image

second packet

challenge request image
note probably the time is used at this point as a "random key" for the next packet

third packet

session initiation image

it looks like commandos exists of 3 parameter B3 01 B2 => init

image format

When transfering data to the computer by means of the pad2 the wacht uses this format. Casio images are stored with the .BIN extention. the image format is quit simple.
try to keep your image in this format it has useluff meta-data